October News

Happy Fall Everyone!

I hope everyone has had an amazing summer both personally and professionals! Our weather here in Oregon this summer was quite moderate as compared to many other regions around the U.S. We had fewer high heat periods and even had some occasional rain which was welcomed by the plants for sure and especially by my husband Adam, who hates the dust that dry weather produces at our nursery and how it accumulates on EVERYTHING. Such is life on a nursery!

We have had a great growing season and it looks like we will continue to keep growing until the first frost. We should be in the 70’s for at least another 2+ weeks then down to the mid to low 60’s which is great for everyone here. The plant material we have been seeing and shipping this fall has been incredible both in quality and size… get your orders in before the fall season ends with the final shipping date of November 1st.

Attached is the newest October 2024 availability list and the October Specials List. The specials list is only valid for orders shipped through the end of October but you can also use this availability to start your Spring Orders. We have expanded the variety of plants on the list by 5 pages from September so hopefully we have just what you are looking for. All our plant material is really looking super nice and ready for immediate sales.

We were able to procure some 5 gallon Leucothoe Rainbow so if you want some I suggest you ship them out now. They will not be here in the spring and they are increasingly more difficult to find, we are always looking for more to supplement the ones we grow.

The Japanese maples on the specials list are looking really great too. They have a nice caliper, especially for container grown maples, and the head size is very nice. The #3 Lace leaf maples on special are a great buy and are ideal for shifting up to a 7 gallon pot or just turn them over and make some quick money on these beauties.

We would normally not put Skip Laurel on special but we have an abundance of beautiful 3 gallons which are full and around 25” tall. A great plant to shift up to a 7 or a 10 gallon. The 10 gallons on special are very nice too, these are about 4’ and full. A great plant for rewholesale or retail. Let’s ship them now while they’re on special and get them to your nursery.

As mentioned above the last ship date for Fall orders is Friday November 1st. Adam and I will be flying south to Arizona in early November for the winter. I will still be available to book your spring orders, answer any questions you have or to just catch up with all my friends in the industry. I will have another availability list in late November early December for additional spring orders.

Acer Tamukeyama #3 (representative of all #3 Lace leaf maples on special)
Euonymus Gaiety #1

Prunus skips #10 on special
Prunus skips #3

Acer dis. Crimson Queen #7
Buxus Sempervirens #10
Buxus Sempervirens Globe #10

Personal News:

As you have probably figured out by now, our grandson Booker is the apple of my eye. He is a very funny, kind hearted and joyful kid. He and I spend quite a bit of time together which I love and I know he does too. He just started T-ball which I don’t think he enjoys very much but his mom, Adam and I sure do get a lot of laughs watching 3 and 4 year old kids trying to figure out where to run and what to do with the ball. Thankfully for Booker it’s only a 5 week season. My goal is to get him excited about golfing with us but currently his favorite thing is to ride his Big Wheel around the driveways and patio.